Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Grand Canyon (emily)

Hey y'all!
So today I got to see the fabulous Grand Canyon! It was a very nice day, even though the weather reports all said to be prepared for a high heat index of 88 degrees (apparently no one has been to alabama...) but that was no problem for me (normal heat index of 105 degrees... HA!). My grandfather and i decided to go hike part of the Bright Angel Trail, which is the only trail that goes down into the canyon and out the opposite side. Unfortunately, we didn't know how far away the trail was, so we ended up hiking 2 miles to get to the actual trail (we had planned to hike 3 miles, but there's over 18 miles total)! we ended up going 1/2 of a mile down the trail then coming back. This trail is the same trail the mules use to get to Phantom Ranch down at the base pf the canyon, and the smells of the "presents" they'd left us was pretty unbearable! :P
So we ended up hiking a total of 5 miles, plus whatever we'd covered walking around before. I thought it was a decent workout, but i can't wait to get back to a breatheable altitude so that i can get back to my cross country training!
Hope y'all are having a great summer!

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun following the schedule Papa emailed me, and seeing your occassional fb posts that show where you are and what you have been doing. We've been all those same places, and your brief comments bring so many good memories back!

    And every day brings you closer to here. . . ; )
