Happy Summer!
I'm sorry it's been so long, but after the tornaedo, everything went hectic!
The first week after i was helping out with supplies at a few churches and training for the State Championships in high school soccer! While we didn't make it all the way, we were proud to be part of the Elite Eight. We'd gotten farther than any of the other varsity sports at my school!
After soccer ended, i threw myself to the books in preparation for exams. Has anyone ever felt as if they didn't know what to do when it came time for studying for exams, even though they'd done it for about 3 years?? Well, i definitely felt that, as with my friends. My friend Katie was one of my study buddies during these trying times, and at one point while i was trying to find the chart for cunjugating passive and active subjunctives (Latin is NOT for the faint hearted) Katie was lying on the floor making pitiful moaning and strange mewing noises. I seriously thought she'd swallowed a cat.
Needless to say, I survived, and actually thought I did quite well on my history and geometry exams! I can't say likewise for my latin exam, and i am so glad I had exempted because I highly doubt that I would be alive right now if otherwise. I wasn't the only one... out of about the 20 honor class kids (there are 28 total in my grade) only 2 took the exam.
In celebration, I went to the movies with Katie and another of my friends, Lindsey, and saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The best part was probably when a couple Spanish soldiers were killed by being clonked in the head by coconuts. Leave it to Jack to be creative when it comes to running for his life!
Other than the movie, I've done little else so far this week. Mostly because I've been studying for the SAT, which I take Saturday, but also because there are roofers working on my house and I haven't been sleeping well! Course, NO ONE would be sleeping well if they were woken up around 6:00 in the morning for 4 days straight. But next week, I promise to be more active; going to parties, sticking to my XC training schedule (you're NEVER on break when it comes to running), actually putting on the dreaded swimsuit (I usually stick to my running shorts), and being the usually overrated, jaded teen. :)
P.S. I also promise to be more dedicated to this blog... just to let y'all know that I'm still alive or that I don't hate y'all or anything. ;) ROLL TIDE <3