Monday, March 14, 2011

In The Beginning... of Spring Break (Emily)

As school ended and Spring Break began, our fellow classmates took up an anthem: "It's the weekend, finally!" We all took pleasure in watching all the teachers correct us. They were just as ready as we were for the vacation!
In celebration, five of my best friends, plus my dear sister and me, gathered together for a musical sleepover. And I don't mean sitting in a circle singing "Kum ba yah"; I mean sitting in a circle watching broadway musicals. We decided to start off slow, and so decided to pop in Cabaret. Don't ask me why we thought cross-dressers and bisexual guys have to do with slow, or chill, or easy. Of course, we're not really the most chill group of friends either. I've been to sleepovers where twe all sit around and talk about guys and gossip. But at this party, we ended up playing a version of Backwards Hide-and-Seek in my friend's closet, which is bigger than her entire room, with the lights off. We had to stop though, after waking up the neighborhood with our screams of bloody murder and after giving the dog a few heart attacks. So that's when we decided to embrace the hystericaly, corrupt musicals that no one should ever take life lessons from, unless it's a "Don't Do That" lesson.
We ended the musical marathon with a group favorite: Chicago. Our favorite scene is when all the jail girls are singing about who they killed and dancing a tango. That's a very "subtle" way to tell a new girl that you killed your sister and your boyfriend.
We also threw Dirty Dancing into the mix, because no one can throw a musical watching party without having Patrick Swayze doing his thing, even though it's not technically a musical.
It was a fabulous way to begin the break, but I don't believe that I'll be doing much today, since I only got around three hours of sleep. At least I can catch Pretty Little Liars tonight and give my dog some love tonight. I hope that y'all's Spring Break began on a high note as well. Lots of Love!

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